パスタ大好き! Kagawa(香川)
今 日は パスタん気持ちやったけん ラ・ボエム クアリタ 渋谷 にいきたばい 前回っち同じくサーモンっちほうれん草んクリームソースば頼みたとたい もうずっっちこれたい cセットにしたばいけん ドリンクっちレモネードっちサラダのついてきましゅ ホウレンソウんパスタもばりうまけん 大盛りにしちゃおった ちなみにクリスマスのハリケーンんごと差し迫っちきんしゃいいましゅ ぼぐは こぎゃんっちこでまったりしとる場合ではなか mixiんオフ会にいきまくらねばなりまっしぇん 今週はまだ迷っちいましゅ オレはどこさ参加しゅべきか 今週ん候補は川口ん相席屋たい 念ん為 安安ん座敷ば予約しちゃうっち思いましゅ
サーモンとほうれん草のクリームソース大盛り Cセット しらすトッピング ○○○円(税込)
Today is spinach that comes with a drink and lemonade and salad so was the other much is this c set that I was asked a pasta last time the same salmon and spinach cream sauce that was so because it was feeling to go to La Boheme Kuarita Shibuya since the pasta also very tasty Christmas by the way, I have to large serving has been imminent as hurricane I still can not mixi this week that you will I must pillow go to off meeting that there is lost in case you are chillin in place like this yourself where this week the candidates should be participation I think you try to book a very peaceful in the parlor just to be sure is Aiseki shop Kawaguchi