魚大好き! Kagawa(香川)
今 日は 雨のふっちおったけん 近くん地下にあっけん焼き魚屋しゃん 三太夫 渋谷道玄坂店 へいきたばい 厚切りジェーソンっち迷ったとよの やはり あこう鯛ん定食にしとった 身のほくほくで太かけん 食べ応えもいり 骨までいこすいゃうっち思いましゅ ちなみに なんでんっちきん友達っちはラップで石鹸や洗剤ば売っちいた話で盛りあがっとるんやけどの 平日に友達のいまっしぇんけん なんでからちゃんでこちゃうっち思いまし
あこう鯛定食 961円(税込)
Since today is large and a soggy body How can doubt the thickness cut Jason I went to Yakizakana-ya’s Sandayu Shibuya Dogenzaka shop in the vicinity of the underground was to also set meal of Pacific ocean perch because it was raining and I thought that the food I think that it would go up to also have bone respond the way Hakata of friends when you Koyo yon from Hakata because it does not have any friends on weekdays How can rise in a story that was selling soap or detergent in lap