スンドゥブ大好き! Kagawa(香川)
今日は 一段と肌がしろくなったので KollaBo 渋谷店 (コラボ)に行きたい気持ちでしたので行きました 3日連続ですので 食べたいものが迷いましたがスンドュブチゲにしました。 韓国にいったことはありませんが 本場の味だと思いましたので ちょっと ぴりっとしていましたので おいしく食べれました 1膳目もごはんは スープにつけながら 食べたのですが 2膳目はかんぜんに スープの 中に入れたい気持ちでしたので ご飯を入れて よく混ぜてたべました おいしかったですが 一気に食べると消化にわるいと思いましたので 携帯電話がきになってしまいましたので 見ながら食べていたので すが やっぱりいけないと思います。
純豆腐チゲ 900円(税込)
오늘은 한층 피부가 하얗게 때문에 KollaBo 시부야 점 (코라)에 가고 싶은 마음 이었으므로 갔다 3 일 연속이므로 먹고 싶은 것이 고민했지만 슨도에부찌게했습니다. 한국에 가본 적은 없지만 본고장의 맛이라고 생각했기 때문에 조금 매운하고 있었으므로 맛있게 먹을 수있었습니다 1 소반 눈도 밥은 스프에 붙이면서 먹었지 만 2 소반 눈은 완전히 수프 안에 넣고 싶은 마음 이었기 때문에 밥을 넣고 잘 섞어 먹었습니다 맛 습니다만 단번에 먹으면 소화에 나쁜 생각했기 때문에 휴대 전화가왔다되어 버렸으므로 보면서 먹고 있었으므로 칸 역시 안된다고 생각합니다.
Although skin was lost is what you want to eat because it is three consecutive days that I went because it was the feeling that you want to go to KollaBo Shibuya became so white (collaboration) more was to Sundo~yubuchige today. I never went to South Korea, but also rice 1 Zen eyes and was eating delicious did therefore little spicy because I thought it was authentic taste and I ate while immersed in soup 2 Zen eyes full of soup Since it was delicious it was well-mixed eat Put want to put the rice because the feeling was was in had to eat while watching because I have become a tree mobile phone it is because I think that it is bad for the digestion and eat at once But I think that it does not go after all.
虽然皮肤失去的,你想吃什么,因为它是连续三天,香川去,因为它是你要去KollaBo涩变得很白(合作)今日更是SUNDO〜yubuchige的感觉。 香川从来没有去过韩国,而且大米1禅宗的眼睛,吃着美味的那样,因此有点辣,因为香川认为这是正宗的味道,香川吃了,而沉浸在汤2禅眼神里满是汤 因为它很美味是充分混合食用认沽希望把大米,因为当时的感觉是有,因为香川觉得这是不好的消化吃一边看,因为香川已经成为一棵树手机,吃一次 但香川认为,它并没有去毕竟。